Quasimodo contains 34 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
oxytocin be given postpartum POSITIVE 0.4496 0.4665 0.7952
abdominal pain has_property postpartum POSITIVE 0.6744 0.8534 0.8126
sore breast has_property postpartum POSITIVE 0.6909 0.7838 0.8325
cold pack has_property postpartum POSITIVE 0.7012 0.7227 0.8449
stomach pain has_property postpartum POSITIVE 0.7392 0.8490 0.8907
hcg level has_property postpartum POSITIVE 0.7712 0.8774 0.9292
hormone level has_property postpartum POSITIVE 0.7837 0.7837 0.9443
yeast infection has_property postpartum POSITIVE 0.7931 0.7931 0.9556
chapped lip has_property postpartum POSITIVE 0.7933 0.8391 0.9559
benadryl be used postpartum POSITIVE 0.0003 0.0003 1.0000
magnesium sulfate be given postpartum POSITIVE 0.5654 0.5656 1.0000
witch hazel be good for postpartum POSITIVE 0.2201 0.2202 1.0000
wbc increase postpartum POSITIVE 0.0067 0.0069 1.0000
month has_property postpartum POSITIVE 0.8299 0.8300 1.0000