Quasimodo contains 228 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
mike go to prison suits POSITIVE 0.7774 0.7774 1.0000
mike be a lawyer on suits still POSITIVE 0.7740 0.7740 1.0000
mike have court case POSITIVE 0.7697 0.7697 1.0000
mike get kevin out of jail POSITIVE 0.7697 0.7697 1.0000
mike know exactly when it's safe to leave POSITIVE 0.7166 0.7166 1.0000
mike die in the end of blair witch project POSITIVE 0.6972 0.6972 1.0000
mike has_property lawyer POSITIVE 0.6709 0.6709 0.6711
mike go to jail jersey shore POSITIVE 0.6558 0.6559 1.0000
mike has_trait attractive POSITIVE 0.6517 0.6517 0.6517
mike has_property affordable POSITIVE 0.6376 0.6376 0.6376
mike has_property smith POSITIVE 0.6330 0.6330 0.6330
mike has_property able to practice law on suits POSITIVE 0.6231 0.6232 1.0000
mike has_property atlanta POSITIVE 0.6018 0.6018 0.6018
mike get left off the list conley often POSITIVE 0.5986 0.5986 1.0000
mike be back on suits POSITIVE 0.5830 0.5830 1.0000
mike has_property aquatics POSITIVE 0.5776 0.5776 0.5776
mike can die in until dawn POSITIVE 0.5541 0.5541 1.0000
mike has_property will POSITIVE 0.5377 0.5377 0.5377
mike has_property atm POSITIVE 0.5340 0.5341 0.5340
mike has_property auto POSITIVE 0.5232 0.5232 0.5232