Subject fat
Predicate has_property
Object bad
Modality Occurrences
some[subj/polyunsaturated] 2
some[subj/saturated] 1
some[subj/monounsaturated] 1
TBC[bad thing] 2
Plausibility 0.9964
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9964
Local Sigma 0.9964
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
fats and sugars are bad for you 2 Google Autocomplete
fats are bad for your health 1 Google Autocomplete
fats are bad for diabetics 1 Google Autocomplete
fats are bad for us 1 Google Autocomplete
fat is bad for you 3 Google Autocomplete
fats is bad for you 1 Google Autocomplete
fat is bad for dogs 2 Google Autocomplete
fat is bad for u 2 Google Autocomplete
fat is bad for weight loss 2 Google Autocomplete
fat is bad for us 1 Google Autocomplete
fat is bad for your heart 1 Google Autocomplete
fat is bad for gastritis 1 Google Autocomplete
polyunsaturated fats are bad 1 Google Autocomplete
saturated fats and cholesterol are bad 1 Google Autocomplete
polyunsaturated fat is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
fat on the liver is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
monounsaturated fat is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
fats are bad 2 Questions
fats are bad for the body 1 Questions
fat is bad 4 Questions, Reddit Questions
fat is a bad thing 2 Reddit Questions