Subject melting point
Predicate has_property
Object high
Modality Occurrences
TBC[very high] 1
TBC[so high] 5
Plausibility 0.9957
Neighborhood Sigma 1.0000
Local Sigma 0.9957
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
graphites melting point is high 1 Google Autocomplete
melting point is high 2 Google Autocomplete
melting points of metals are high 2 Google Autocomplete
melting points are high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting points of ionic compounds are high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting points of amigo acids are high 1 Google Autocomplete
melting point of nail is high 6 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of ionic compounds is high 3 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of zinc fluoride is high 2 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of silicon is very high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of sodium chloride is high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of nail is high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of metals is high 2 Google Autocomplete
melting point of sodium chloride is high 2 Google Autocomplete
melting point of silicon is high 2 Google Autocomplete
melting point of calcium sulfate is high 2 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of silicon dioxide is high 2 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of silicon is high 2 Google Autocomplete
melting point of carbon is high 3 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of calcium oxide is so high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of magnesium oxide is high 2 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of sodium oxide is high 2 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of aluminum oxide is so high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of calcium oxide is high 2 Google Autocomplete
melting point of graphite is high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of graphite is so high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of graphite is high 1 Google Autocomplete
melting point of diamond is high 2 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of diamond is high 2 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of can is so high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of calcium sulfate is high 1 Google Autocomplete
the melting point of cenozoic acid is so high 1 Google Autocomplete
melting point of go is high 1 Google Autocomplete
melting point of metals is high 1 Google Autocomplete
melting point of ionic compound is high 1 Google Autocomplete
melting point of mn is high 1 Quora Questions