Subject sky
Predicate has_color
Object blue
Modality Occurrences
some[subj/clear] 1
Plausibility 0.9956
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9956
Local Sigma 0.9956
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
sky is blue 10 Google Autocomplete
sky and water is blue 4 Google Autocomplete, Yahoo Questions
sky and sea is blue 2 Google Autocomplete
skies are blue 1 Google Autocomplete
skies are blue and sunsets red 1 Google Autocomplete
the skies are blue 2 Google Autocomplete
the sky is blue and other questions book 1 Google Autocomplete
the sky is blue 1 Google Autocomplete
clear sky is blue 1 Google Autocomplete
sky and the water is blue 1 Questions