Subject wearing
Predicate has_property
Object bad
Modality Occurrences
Plausibility 0.5173
Neighborhood Sigma 0.5173
Local Sigma 0.5173
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
wearing uniforms are bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing uniforms is bad 2 Google Autocomplete
wearing black is bad 2 Google Autocomplete
wearing fur is bad 3 Google Autocomplete, Questions
wearing your bra is bad to sleep in 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing wet clothes is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing wool is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing white after labor day is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing tight pants is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing tampons is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing thongs is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing school uniforms is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing red is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing polyester is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing makeup is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing leather is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing heels is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing glasses is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing expired makeup is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing cross is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing contacts is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing leggings is as pants bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing all black is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
wearing a black tie and navy suit is bad 1 Quora Questions
wearing a black tie elastic search navy suit is bad 1 Quora Questions
wearing cargo pants is bad 1 Reddit Questions