Subject alcohol
Predicate has_property
Object bad
Modality Occurrences
TBC[bad mix] 2
some[subj/tylenol and] 1
some[subj/nyquil and] 1
TBC[so bad] 1
TBC[such bad drug] 1
Plausibility 0.9905
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9905
Local Sigma 0.9905
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
alcohol is bad 8 Google Autocomplete, Questions
alcohol is bad for your health 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for your teeth 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for your hair 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for your kidneys 2 Google Autocomplete
alcohol and ibuprofen is bad 2 Google Autocomplete
alcohol and caffeine is bad for bronchitis 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for weight loss 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for your voice 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for sleep 1 Google Autocomplete
nyquil and alcohol is bad 2 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for hypertension 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for heart 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for gym 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for leaky gut 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for dogs 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for your face 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for anxiety 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for gout 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for pregnancy 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for you 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for your body 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for your heart 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad for your skin 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohols are bad leaving groups 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is with ice bad 1 Google Autocomplete
tylenol and alcohol is a bad mix 1 Google Autocomplete
alcohol is bad on low carbohydrate diet 1 Questions
alcohol is so bad 1 Reddit Questions
alcohol is such a bad drug 1 Reddit Questions
alcohol and benson is a bad mix 1 Reddit Questions