Subject frog
Predicate has_property
Object amphibian
Modality Occurrences
Plausibility 0.9897
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9897
Local Sigma 0.9897
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
frogs are amphibians 12 Google Autocomplete, Bing Autocomplete
frogs are said to be amphibians 2 Google Autocomplete
frog is an amphibian 3 Google Autocomplete
frog is amphibian 3 Google Autocomplete
a frog is an amphibian 6 Google Autocomplete
the frog is an amphibian 1 Google Autocomplete
a frog is an amphibian or a reptile 1 Google Autocomplete
frogs and toads are amphibians 4 Bing Autocomplete