Subject chicago
Predicate has_property
Object city
Modality Occurrences
TBC[windy city] 5
TBC[second city] 4
TBC[white city] 1
TBC[best city] 1
TBC[most dangerous city] 1
TBC[2nd city] 2
TBC[such great city] 1
TBC[such violent city] 4
TBC[important city] 1
TBC[major city] 1
TBC[global city] 1
TBC[great city] 1
TBC[big city] 1
TBC[popular city] 1
TBC[most segregated city] 1
TBC[important midwestern cities] 1
Plausibility 0.9892
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9892
Local Sigma 0.9892
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
chicago is a city 2 Google Autocomplete
chicago is the windy city 2 Google Autocomplete
chicago is the second city 3 Google Autocomplete, Questions
chicago is windy city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is the white city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is the best city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is the most dangerous city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is the 2nd city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is second city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is such a great city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is such a violent city 4 Google Autocomplete, Reddit Questions
chicago is an important city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago nicknamed is the windy city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is 2nd city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is a major city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is a global city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is a great city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is a big city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is a windy city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is a popular city 1 Google Autocomplete
chicago is the most segregated city 1 Questions
chicago and detroit are important midwestern cities 1 Questions