Subject us
Predicate has_property
Object different
Modality Occurrences
Plausibility 0.9862
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9862
Local Sigma 0.9862
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
us toilets are different 1 Google Autocomplete
us paper sizes are different 1 Google Autocomplete
us and imperial gallons are different 2 Google Autocomplete
us and canadian thanksgiving are different 2 Google Autocomplete
us measurements are different 1 Google Autocomplete
us gallons are different 1 Google Autocomplete
us gallons and imperial gallons are different 1 Google Autocomplete
us and canadian thanksgiving is different 2 Google Autocomplete
us and canada thanksgiving is different 2 Google Autocomplete
us and uk gallon is different 2 Google Autocomplete
us and canada are different 2 Google Autocomplete
us and uk sizes are different 1 Google Autocomplete
us and uk keyboards are different 1 Google Autocomplete
us and uk gallons are different 1 Google Autocomplete
us and uk pints are different 1 Google Autocomplete
us and uk netflix is different 1 Google Autocomplete