Subject orange
Predicate has_property
Object color
Modality Occurrences
TBC[orange color] 3
TBC[dutch color] 3
TBC[best color] 2
TBC[dutch national color] 2
TBC[good color] 2
TBC[worst color] 1
TBC[bad color] 1
TBC[protestant color] 1
TBC[irish color] 1
Plausibility 0.9858
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9858
Local Sigma 0.9858
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
orange and black halloween are colors 1 Google Autocomplete
orange and purple halloween are colors 1 Google Autocomplete
orange and black considered halloween are colors 2 Google Autocomplete
orange is a fruit and a color 2 Google Autocomplete
orange is a color and a fruit 3 Google Autocomplete
orange is a color 4 Google Autocomplete
oranges are orange color 3 Google Autocomplete
orange is the dutch color 2 Google Autocomplete
orange is the best color 2 Google Autocomplete
orange is dutch national color 2 Google Autocomplete
orange is a good color 2 Google Autocomplete
orange is the worst color 1 Google Autocomplete
orange is a bad color 1 Google Autocomplete
orange is a dutch color 1 Google Autocomplete
orange is a protestant color 1 Google Autocomplete
orange and black considered to be halloween are colors 1 Questions
orange and black the halloween are colors 1 Questions
orange is an irish color 1 Questions
orange such is a fucked up color 1 Reddit Questions