Subject lung
Predicate fill with
Object fluid
Modality Occurrences
TBC[fluid with pneumonia] 2
TBC[fluid with cancer] 2
TBC[fluid with lung cancer] 2
TBC[heart surgery] 2
TBC[heart failure] 2
Plausibility 0.9779
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9779
Local Sigma 1.0000
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
lungs are filling with fluid 4 Google Autocomplete
lungs fill with fluid 10 Google Autocomplete
the lungs fill with fluid 2 Google Autocomplete
lungs fill with fluid with pneumonia 4 Google Autocomplete
lungs fill with fluid with cancer 4 Google Autocomplete
lungs fill with fluid when dying 2 Google Autocomplete
lungs fill with fluid before death 2 Google Autocomplete
lungs fill with fluid with lung cancer 2 Google Autocomplete
lungs fill with fluid after heart surgery 2 Google Autocomplete
lungs fill with fluid in heart failure 2 Google Autocomplete
lungs continue to fill with fluid 4 Google Autocomplete