Subject voice
Predicate sound
Object different
Modality Occurrences
TBC[different over phone] 2
TBC[different on recordings] 2
some[subj/recorded] 2
some[subj/human] 2
some[subj/male and female] 2
some[subj/all our] 2
TBC[different on phone] 2
some[subj/recording] 1
Plausibility 0.9707
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9707
Local Sigma 0.9760
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
voices sound different 6 Google Autocomplete, Reddit Questions
voices sound different over the phone 2 Google Autocomplete
voices sound different on recordings 2 Google Autocomplete
recorded voices sound different 2 Google Autocomplete
human voices sound different 2 Google Autocomplete
male and female voices sound different 2 Google Autocomplete
all our voices sound different 2 Google Autocomplete
voice sounds different on phone 2 Google Autocomplete
voice sounds different when sick 1 Google Autocomplete
recording voice sounds different 1 Google Autocomplete