Subject pisces
Predicate has_property
Object compatible
Modality Occurrences
TBC[so compatible] 1
TBC[compatible with] 1
some[subj/libras and] 1
Plausibility 0.9689
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9691
Local Sigma 0.9690
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
pisces and taurus are compatible 4 Google Autocomplete
pisces and cancer are compatible 4 Google Autocomplete
pisces and aries are compatible 2 Google Autocomplete
libras and pisces are compatible 2 Google Autocomplete
pisces and capricorns are compatible 1 Google Autocomplete
pisces and cancers are so compatible 1 Google Autocomplete
pisces and leos are compatible 1 Google Autocomplete
pisces and gemini are compatible 2 Google Autocomplete
pisces are compatible with 1 Google Autocomplete
pisces and virgo are compatible 1 Google Autocomplete
pisces are (girl) and leo (boy) compatible 1 Yahoo Questions