Subject honda
Predicate has_property
Object car
Modality Occurrences
TBC[most stolen cars] 2
TBC[such good cars] 1
TBC[good cars] 3
TBC[bad cars] 1
TBC[most stolen car] 1
TBC[good car] 1
Plausibility 0.9605
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9605
Local Sigma 0.9605
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
honda is car 2 Google Autocomplete
honda is cars 2 Google Autocomplete
hondas are the most stolen cars 1 Google Autocomplete
hondas are such good cars 1 Google Autocomplete
honda's are most stolen cars 1 Google Autocomplete
hondas are good cars 3 Google Autocomplete, Questions
hondas are bad cars 1 Google Autocomplete
honda is the most stolen car 1 Google Autocomplete
honda is a good car 1 Google Autocomplete