Subject google
Predicate has_property
Object search engine
Modality Occurrences
TBC[best search engine] 8
TBC[most popular search engine] 2
TBC[worst search engine] 1
TBC[leading search engine] 1
TBC[popular search engine] 1
TBC[biggest search engine] 1
TBC[best most popular search engine] 1
TBC[good search engine] 1
some[subj/bush] 1
Plausibility 0.1994
Neighborhood Sigma 0.1994
Local Sigma 0.2031
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
google is the best search engine 6 Google Autocomplete, Questions, Reddit Questions
google is the most popular search engine 1 Google Autocomplete
google is the worst search engine 1 Google Autocomplete
google is the leading search engine 1 Google Autocomplete
google is most popular search engine 1 Google Autocomplete
google is a popular search engine 1 Questions
google is the biggest search engine 1 Questions
google is the best / most popular search engine 1 Reddit Questions
google is a good search engine 1 Questions
how did google to be the best search engine 1 Quora Questions
bush google get to be the best search engine 1 Quora Questions