Subject smoking
Predicate has_property
Object bad
Modality Occurrences
TBC[when pregnant bad] 1
TBC[very bad] 1
some[subj/secondhand] 1
some[subj/passive] 1
TBC[far more problems] 1
Plausibility 0.9585
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9585
Local Sigma 0.9585
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
smoking is bad 6 Google Autocomplete
smoking and birth control is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking and drugs is bad for you 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking is bad for pregnancy 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking is bad why does it cure salmon 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking when is pregnant bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking very is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking after surgery is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking before surgery is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
secondhand smoking is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking during pregnancy is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking out of plastic is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
passive smoking is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking on birth control is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking out of aluminum is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking out of a can is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking out of a water bottle is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking a jul is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking around babies is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking after is a meal bad 1 Google Autocomplete
a smoking is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
smoking considered is to be so bad when alcohol causes far more problems 1 Yahoo Questions
smoking a blunt is bad 1 Questions
smoking a drag is bad 1 Questions