Subject poop
Predicate has_property
Object color
Modality Occurrences
TBC[orange color] 1
TBC[dark color] 1
TBC[different colors] 5
TBC[different color] 1
TBC[different colors sometimes] 2
sometimes 1
TBC[consistently same color globally] 1
TBC[always specific color] 2
always 1
TBC[usually color brown] 1
TBC[same relative color] 1
Plausibility 0.9497
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9497
Local Sigma 0.9497
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
poop is color 2 Google Autocomplete
poop is orange color 1 Google Autocomplete
poop is dark color 1 Google Autocomplete
poop is different colors 5 Google Autocomplete, Questions, Reddit Questions
poop is a different color 1 Google Autocomplete
poop is different colors sometimes 2 Yahoo Questions
poop is consistently the same color globally 1 Reddit Questions
poop is always a specific color 2 Reddit Questions
poop is usually the color brown 1 Reddit Questions
poop is the same relative color 1 Reddit Questions