Subject interest group
Predicate try
Object influence
Modality Occurrences
TBC[political parties] 4
TBC[members of congress] 2
TBC[behavior of political parties] 1
TBC[legislative process] 1
Plausibility 0.1265
Neighborhood Sigma 0.1321
Local Sigma 1.0000
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
interest groups try to influence political parties 3 Google Autocomplete, Questions
interest groups try to influence members of congress 2 Google Autocomplete, Questions
interest groups try to influence government 1 Google Autocomplete
interest groups try to influence the courts 1 Google Autocomplete
interest groups try to influence political parties and elections 1 Google Autocomplete
interest groups try to influence the behavior of political parties 1 Google Autocomplete
interest groups try to influence the legislative and judicial process 1 Google Autocomplete