Subject earthquake
Predicate has_property
Object found
Modality Occurrences
TBC[found in plate boundaries] 2
TBC[found in same area] 2
TBC[found near plate boundaries] 2
TBC[found on plate boundaries] 2
TBC[found in similar locations] 2
TBC[found at destructive plate boundaries] 2
TBC[found at constructive margins] 2
TBC[found in same areas] 1
Plausibility 0.0710
Neighborhood Sigma 0.0710
Local Sigma 0.0719
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
earthquakes and volcanoes are found in plate boundaries 2 Google Autocomplete
earthquakes and volcanoes are found in the same area 2 Google Autocomplete
earthquakes and volcanoes are found near plate boundaries 2 Google Autocomplete
earthquakes and volcanoes are found on plate boundaries 2 Google Autocomplete
earthquakes and volcanoes are found in similar locations 2 Google Autocomplete
earthquakes and volcanoes are found at destructive plate boundaries 2 Google Autocomplete
earthquakes and volcanoes are found at constructive margins 2 Google Autocomplete
earthquakes and volcanoes are found in the same areas 1 Questions