Subject noble gas
Predicate form
Object compounds
Modality Occurrences
rarely 3
TBC[compounds with fluorine] 2
only 2
TBC[very few compounds] 2
some[subj/heavier] 1
Plausibility 0.9393
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9393
Local Sigma 0.9393
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
noble gases form compounds 17 Google Autocomplete
noble gases rarely form compounds 3 Google Autocomplete
the noble gases are unlikely to form compounds 1 Google Autocomplete
noble gases form compounds with fluorine and oxygen only 2 Google Autocomplete
noble gases form very few compounds 1 Google Autocomplete
the noble gases form very few compounds 1 Google Autocomplete
heavier noble gases form compounds 1 Google Autocomplete