Subject inflation
Predicate has_property
Object bad
Modality Occurrences
some[subj/zero] 1
TBC[so bad] 2
some[subj/negative] 1
some[subj/too much] 1
some[subj/too little] 1
TBC[bad thing] 2
some[subj/low] 1
some[subj/high] 1
Plausibility 0.9225
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9226
Local Sigma 0.9225
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
inflation is bad 10 Google Autocomplete, Questions, Reddit Questions
inflation is good or bad 2 Google Autocomplete, Reddit Questions
inflation is good and bad 2 Google Autocomplete
inflation is bad for an economy 1 Google Autocomplete
inflation is bad for investors 1 Google Autocomplete
inflation is bad for our economy 1 Google Autocomplete
inflation and deflation is bad 2 Google Autocomplete
zero inflation is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
the inflation is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
inflation is so bad 2 Google Autocomplete, Questions
negative inflation is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
too much inflation is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
too little inflation is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
inflation is a bad thing 2 Google Autocomplete, Reddit Questions
low inflation is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
high inflation is bad 1 Google Autocomplete
inflation is good and deflation bad 1 Reddit Questions