Subject rbi governor
Predicate has_property
Object appointed
Modality Occurrences
Plausibility 0.0169
Neighborhood Sigma 0.1191
Local Sigma 0.0402
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
rbi governor is appointed 3 Google Autocomplete
the rbi governor is appointed 1 Google Autocomplete
rbi governor is appointed and what are youtube the powers of rbi governor 1 Quora Questions
rbi governor is appointed and what are the of rbi governor 1 Quora Questions
rbi governor is appointed and what are the powers of side governor 1 Quora Questions
rbi governor is appointed and what are the fake powers of rbi governor 1 Quora Questions
rbi governor is appointed and what are the powers of rbi governor 1 Quora Questions