Subject diet
Predicate has_trait
Object unhealthy
Modality Occurrences
some[subj/vegan] 2
some[subj/vegetarian] 1
some[subj/western] 1
TBC[unhealthy weight-loss strategy] 1
some[subj/fad] 1
TBC[negative effect on body] 1
Plausibility 0.8796
Neighborhood Sigma 0.8796
Local Sigma 0.8796
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
diets are unhealthy 4 Google Autocomplete, Questions
vegan diets are unhealthy 1 Google Autocomplete
vegetarian diets are unhealthy 1 Google Autocomplete
western diets are unhealthy 1 Google Autocomplete
fad diets are an unhealthy weight-loss strategy 1 Google Autocomplete
vegan diet is unhealthy 1 Google Autocomplete
diets are unhealthy and have a negative effect on the body 2 Questions