Subject combustion
Predicate has_property
Object exothermic
Modality Occurrences
always 2
TBC[exothermic reaction] 5
TBC[always exothermic] 1
Plausibility 0.8781
Neighborhood Sigma 0.8824
Local Sigma 0.9345
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
combustions are exothermic 2 Google Autocomplete
combustion is exothermic 10 Google Autocomplete, Questions
combustion is always exothermic 3 Google Autocomplete
combustion is an exothermic reaction 5 Google Autocomplete, Questions
the combustion of methane is exothermic 2 Google Autocomplete
the combustion is exothermic 1 Google Autocomplete
combustion of methane is exothermic 1 Google Autocomplete
combustion of fuel is exothermic 1 Google Autocomplete
combustion of hydrogen is exothermic 1 Google Autocomplete
combustion of ethanol is exothermic 1 Google Autocomplete
combustion of alcohols is exothermic 1 Google Autocomplete