Subject requiem
Predicate be for
Object dream
Modality Occurrences
TBC[dream so disturbing] 1
TBC[dream so good] 1
TBC[dream so sad] 1
TBC[dream called] 1
TBC[dream rated] 1
TBC[dream good] 1
TBC[dream disturbing] 1
Plausibility 0.0059
Neighborhood Sigma 0.0089
Local Sigma 1.0000
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
requiem is for a dream so disturbing 1 Google Autocomplete
requiem is for a dream so good 1 Google Autocomplete
requiem is for a dream so sad 1 Google Autocomplete
requiem is for a dream called that 1 Google Autocomplete
requiem is for a dream rated nc-17 1 Google Autocomplete
requiem is for a dream good 1 Google Autocomplete
requiem is for a dream disturbing 1 Google Autocomplete