Subject green screen
Predicate has_color
Object green
Modality Occurrences
TBC[specifically green] 1
Plausibility 0.9999
Neighborhood Sigma 1.0000
Local Sigma 0.9999
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
green screens are green 112 Google Autocomplete, Reddit Questions
green screens have to be green 10 Google Autocomplete, Reddit Questions
a green screen have to be green 13 Google Autocomplete
green screen have to be green 6 Google Autocomplete
the green screens are green 1 Google Autocomplete
the green screen is green 1 Google Autocomplete
a green screen is the color green 1 Google Autocomplete
the green screen have to be green 1 Google Autocomplete
green screens are need to be green 1 Reddit Questions
green screens are specifically green 1 Reddit Questions