Subject stairway
Predicate be to
Object heaven
Modality Occurrences
TBC[heaven illegal in guitar stores] 2
TBC[heaven so good] 1
TBC[heaven banned in guitar shops] 1
TBC[heaven so famous] 1
TBC[heaven so great] 1
TBC[heaven banned in guitar stores] 1
TBC[heaven forbidden] 3
TBC[heaven in hawaii illegal] 2
TBC[heaven banned] 1
Plausibility 0.8112
Neighborhood Sigma 0.8116
Local Sigma 0.8116
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
stairway is to heaven illegal in guitar stores 2 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven so good 1 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven banned in guitar shops 2 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven so famous 1 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven so great 1 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven banned in guitar stores 2 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven 2 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven forbidden to play 1 Google Autocomplete
the stairway is to heaven in hawaii illegal 1 Google Autocomplete
the stairway is to heaven forbidden 1 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven not allowed 2 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven in hawaii illegal 1 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven such a good song 2 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven forbidden 2 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven banned 2 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven the best song ever 2 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven closed 2 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven a forbidden song 1 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven the forbidden 1 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven the greatest song ever 1 Google Autocomplete
stairway is to heaven a “ forbidden “ song 1 Reddit Questions