Subject pitch
Predicate has_property
Object perfect
Modality Occurrences
TBC[perfect so good] 2
TBC[perfect so popular] 1
Plausibility 0.8030
Neighborhood Sigma 0.8030
Local Sigma 0.8030
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
pitch is perfect 3 so bad 4 Google Autocomplete
pitch is perfect a 12 2 Google Autocomplete
pitch is perfect ending 2 Google Autocomplete
pitch is perfect so good 2 Google Autocomplete
pitch is perfect so popular 1 Google Autocomplete
pitch is perfect 2 not on netflix 1 Google Autocomplete
pitch is perfect 3 the last movie 1 Google Autocomplete
pitch is perfect 3 the last one 1 Google Autocomplete
pitch is perfect and it's sequel 2 Reddit Questions