Subject carrot
Predicate has_color
Object orange
Modality Occurrences
only 4
TBC[orange inside] 2
some[subj/purple] 2
TBC[orange now] 2
TBC[only orange] 2
TBC[now orange] 2
some[subj/most] 2
some[subj/all] 2
TBC[so yellowish orange] 1
TBC[usually orange] 1
Plausibility 0.9999
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9999
Local Sigma 0.9999
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
carrots are orange 54 Google Autocomplete, Questions, Quora Questions, Reddit Questions
carrots are only orange 6 Google Autocomplete
carrots are orange and not purple 4 Google Autocomplete
carrot is orange 3 Google Autocomplete, Reddit Questions
a carrot is orange 6 Google Autocomplete
carrots is orange 2 Google Autocomplete
the carrots are orange 2 Google Autocomplete
purple carrots are orange inside 2 Google Autocomplete
carrots are orange not purple 2 Google Autocomplete
carrots are orange now 2 Google Autocomplete
carrots are now orange 2 Google Autocomplete
most carrots are orange 2 Google Autocomplete
all carrots are orange 2 Google Autocomplete
the carrot is orange 1 Google Autocomplete
carrots are so yellowish orange 1 Questions
carrots are usually orange 1 Questions
carrots are orange if they 're buried underground 1 Reddit Questions