Subject somalian person
Predicate look
Object slightly different
Modality Occurrences
TBC[slightly different from other mba] 1
some[subj/somalian and ethiopian people look slightly different from other mb] 1
TBC[slightly different from other africans] 3
some[subj/somalian and best people look slightly different from other african] 1
some[subj/somalian and sd ethiopian people look slightly different from other african] 1
some[subj/somalian and ethiopian people look slightly different from other african] 1
Plausibility 0.0005
Neighborhood Sigma 0.0005
Local Sigma 0.0006
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
somalian and ethiopian people look slightly different from other mba 1 Quora Questions
somalian and best people look slightly different from other africans 1 Quora Questions
somalian and sd ethiopian people look slightly different from other africans 1 Quora Questions
somalian and ethiopian people look slightly different from other africans 1 Quora Questions