Subject panda
Predicate has_color
Object white
Modality Occurrences
some[subj/giant] 2
TBC[only black] 4
some[subj/the giant] 1
Plausibility 0.9999
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9999
Local Sigma 0.9999
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
pandas are black and white 58 Google Autocomplete, Bing Autocomplete, Questions, Reddit Questions
pandas are white and black 6 Google Autocomplete, Bing Autocomplete
panda is black and white 2 Google Autocomplete
pandas is black and white 2 Google Autocomplete
giant pandas are black and white 2 Google Autocomplete
pandas are only black and white 4 Google Autocomplete
the giant panda is black and white 1 Google Autocomplete
pandas have black and white 4 Google Autocomplete