Subject thing
Predicate has_manner
Object hard
Modality Occurrences
TBC[so hard] 7
some[subj/good] 1
some[subj/easy] 1
always 1
TBC[always hard] 1
Plausibility 0.9996
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9996
Local Sigma 0.9996
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
things are hard 8 Google Autocomplete
things are so hard 4 Google Autocomplete, Questions
good things are hard to get 1 Google Autocomplete
easy things are so hard 1 Google Autocomplete
things are so hard ! ! 1 Yahoo Questions
things are always hard to do 2 Yahoo Questions
things are hard and soft instead of the same 1 Reddit Questions
things have to be so hard 1 Reddit Questions