Subject earth
Predicate have
Object magnetic field
Modality Occurrences
TBC[strongest magnetic field] 1
TBC[global magnetic field] 1
TBC[earth 's magnetic field] 4
some[subj/animals use] 1
some[subj/birds use] 1
some[subj/turtles use] 1
some[subj/we use] 1
some[subj/we know] 1
TBC[can used for navigation] 1
TBC[strong magnetic field] 1
Plausibility 0.9995
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9995
Local Sigma 0.9995
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
earth have magnetic field 4 Google Autocomplete
earth have a magnetic field 14 Google Autocomplete, Questions, Reddit Questions
earth has magnetic field 4 Google Autocomplete, Questions
the earth's magnetic fields reverse 1 Google Autocomplete
earth's magnetic field flip 2 Google Autocomplete
earth have the strongest magnetic field 1 Google Autocomplete
earth have a global magnetic field 1 Google Autocomplete
the earth has a magnetic field 2 Google Autocomplete, Quora Questions
earth's magnetic field is generated 1 Google Autocomplete
earth's magnetic field is created 1 Google Autocomplete
animals use earth's magnetic field 1 Google Autocomplete
birds use earth's magnetic field 1 Google Autocomplete
turtles use earth's magnetic field 1 Google Autocomplete
we use earth's magnetic field 1 Google Autocomplete
we know earth has a magnetic field 1 Google Autocomplete
the earth's magnetic field can be used for navigation 1 Google Autocomplete
earth have a strong magnetic field 1 Questions