Subject balloon
Predicate float in
Object air
Modality Occurrences
some[subj/some] 4
TBC[hot air] 2
some[subj/hydrogen filled] 2
some[subj/a helium filled] 1
Plausibility 0.9993
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9993
Local Sigma 1.0000
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
some balloons are able to float in air 2 Google Autocomplete
balloons float in hot air 2 Google Autocomplete
some balloons float in air 2 Google Autocomplete
hydrogen filled balloons float in air 2 Google Autocomplete
balloons float in air 4 Google Autocomplete
balloons float in the air 4 Google Autocomplete
a helium filled balloon floats in air 1 Yahoo Questions
balloons sink or float in the air 1 Questions