Subject human
Predicate has_body_part
Object hair
Modality Occurrences
still 8
TBC[pubic hair] 19
TBC[nipple hair] 3
TBC[hair on body] 1
TBC[different sized genitalia] 1
TBC[hairs on skin] 1
TBC[underarm hair] 2
TBC[long hair] 4
TBC[such long hair] 2
TBC[less hair] 1
TBC[facial hair] 2
TBC[unnecessary hair] 1
TBC[facial hair so thick] 1
TBC[different colored hair] 1
TBC[blonde hair] 1
TBC[so much pubic hair] 1
TBC[different textured hair] 1
Plausibility 0.9992
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9992
Local Sigma 0.9992
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
humans have hair 20 Google Autocomplete, Yahoo Questions, Questions, Reddit Questions
humans still have hair 6 Google Autocomplete, Reddit Questions
humans have hair not fur 2 Google Autocomplete
human have hair 2 Google Autocomplete
humans have pubic hair 15 Google Autocomplete, Questions, Reddit Questions
humans have nipple hair 3 Google Autocomplete
human have hair on body 1 Google Autocomplete
humans have pubic hair and different sized genitalia and breasts 1 Yahoo Questions
humans have pubic hair, what s its purpose 1 Yahoo Questions
humans have hairs 2 Questions
humans have hairs on the skin 1 Questions
humans have underarm hair 2 Questions, Reddit Questions
humans have long hair 4 Reddit Questions
humans have such long hair 2 Reddit Questions
humans have less hair 1 Reddit Questions
humans have facial hair 2 Reddit Questions
humans have pubic hair / armpit hair 1 Reddit Questions
humans seem to have unnecessary hair 1 Reddit Questions
human is facial hair so thick 1 Reddit Questions
humans have different colored hair 1 Reddit Questions
humans still have pubic hair 1 Reddit Questions
human still have pubic hair 1 Reddit Questions
humans have blonde, brown, black or red hair 1 Reddit Questions
humans have so much pubic hair 1 Reddit Questions
humans have different textured hair 1 Reddit Questions