Subject frog
Predicate lay
Object eggs
Modality Occurrences
TBC[many eggs] 5
some[subj/it is necessary for] 1
TBC[so many eggs] 9
TBC[more eggs] 2
some[subj/fish and] 2
TBC[soft eggs] 1
Plausibility 0.9991
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9991
Local Sigma 0.9991
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
frogs lay eggs 20 Google Autocomplete, Bing Autocomplete, Questions
frogs lay their eggs 4 Google Autocomplete
a frog lay eggs 3 Google Autocomplete
it is necessary for frogs to lay many eggs 1 Google Autocomplete
frogs lay so many eggs 6 Google Autocomplete, Questions
fish and frog lay more eggs 2 Google Autocomplete
a frog lay so many eggs 3 Google Autocomplete
frog lay many eggs 2 Google Autocomplete
a frog lay many eggs 2 Google Autocomplete
frog lay eggs 2 Google Autocomplete
frogs lay soft eggs 1 Questions