Subject dissolved oxygen
Predicate be in
Object water
Modality Occurrences
TBC[warm water] 1
some[subj/less] 2
TBC[cold water] 1
some[subj/more] 1
TBC[deeper water] 1
TBC[water measured] 1
some[subj/humans affect] 2
some[subj/you measure] 2
some[subj/electrolyte affect] 1
some[subj/pollution affect] 1
some[subj/temperature affect] 1
Plausibility 0.6579
Neighborhood Sigma 0.6590
Local Sigma 0.6579
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
less dissolved oxygen is in warm water 1 Google Autocomplete
more dissolved oxygen is in cold water 1 Google Autocomplete
less dissolved oxygen is in deeper water 1 Google Autocomplete
dissolved oxygen is in water measured 2 Google Autocomplete
humans affect dissolved oxygen in water 2 Google Autocomplete
you measure dissolved oxygen in water 2 Google Autocomplete
electrolyte affect dissolved oxygen in water 1 Google Autocomplete
pollution affect dissolved oxygen in water 1 Google Autocomplete
temperature affect dissolved oxygen in water 1 Google Autocomplete
dissolved oxygen in water can be increased 1 Google Autocomplete