Subject price
Predicate go
Object up
Modality Occurrences
always 4
still 1
Plausibility 0.9987
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9987
Local Sigma 0.9987
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
prices are going up 12 Google Autocomplete, Reddit Questions
prices are going up 2018 2 Google Autocomplete
prices are going up 2019 3 Google Autocomplete
prices go up 8 Google Autocomplete, Questions
prices go up and down 3 Google Autocomplete
prices go up on wish 3 Google Autocomplete
prices always go up 3 Google Autocomplete
prices have to go up 1 Google Autocomplete
price go up on airbnb 1 Google Autocomplete
prices are still going up 1 Reddit Questions
prices continue to go up 1 Reddit Questions
prices always go up but never go down 1 Reddit Questions