Subject ancient egypt
Predicate has_property
Object civilization
Modality Occurrences
TBC[most remembered ancient civilization] 1
TBC[greatest civilization] 1
TBC[often most remembered ancient civilization] 2
often 1
TBC[best civilization] 1
TBC[great civilization] 1
Plausibility 0.6521
Neighborhood Sigma 0.7695
Local Sigma 1.0000
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
ancient egypt is a civilization 12 Google Autocomplete, Questions
ancient egypt is the most remembered ancient civilization 1 Google Autocomplete
ancient egypt is the greatest civilization 1 Google Autocomplete
ancient egypt is often the most remembered ancient civilization 2 Google Autocomplete
ancient egypt is the best civilization 1 Google Autocomplete
ancient egypt is a great civilization 1 Google Autocomplete