Subject driving
Predicate has_effect
Object dangerous
Modality Occurrences
TBC[slow dangerous] 1
TBC[too fast dangerous] 1
TBC[so dangerous] 3
some[subj/texting and] 1
some[subj/drunk] 1
some[subj/drinking and] 1
TBC[more dangerous] 1
Plausibility 0.9981
Neighborhood Sigma 1.0000
Local Sigma 0.9981
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
driving is dangerous 6 Google Autocomplete, Questions
driving without shoes is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving too is slow dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving tired is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving too is fast dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving so is dangerous 2 Google Autocomplete
texting and driving so is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
drunk driving is so dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
drinking and driving so is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving in snow is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving slow is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving in is the rain dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving in is flip flops dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving in thongs is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving in fog is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving in is high winds dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving in india is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving high is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving fast is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving drunk is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving a motorcycle is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving at night is more dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete
driving at night is dangerous 1 Google Autocomplete