Subject alice
Predicate be in
Object wonderland
Modality Occurrences
TBC[victorian era] 1
TBC[writing desk from alice in wonderland] 1
some[subj/a raven is like a writing desk (from] 1
TBC[alice in wonderland referred to] 1
Plausibility 0.9980
Neighborhood Sigma 0.9981
Local Sigma 1.0000
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
alice in wonderland is about drugs 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland is in llandudno 1 Google Autocomplete
alice is in wonderland 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland is a good book 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland is popular 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland is dark 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland is trippe 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland is a popular cultural icon 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland is creepy 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland go black and white 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland wear an apron 2 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland represent the victorian era 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland relate to the victorian era 1 Google Autocomplete
alice in wonderland have her hair 1 Google Autocomplete
alice change in alice in wonderland 1 Google Autocomplete
a raven is like a writing desk (from alice in wonderland) 1 Yahoo Questions
alice fall into the dream-like world in alice in wonderland 1 Questions
alice is in “ alice in wonderland “ referred to as “ he “ 1 Quora Questions
alice is in wonderland a banned book 1 Google Autocomplete