Subject respiration
Predicate has_property
Object process
Modality Occurrences
TBC[why aerobic process] 1
TBC[exothermic process] 4
TBC[aerobic process] 2
some[subj/cellular] 4
TBC[catholic process] 3
TBC[complementary processes] 1
some[subj/photosynthesis and cellular] 1
TBC[efficient process] 1
TBC[chemical process] 1
Plausibility 0.6106
Neighborhood Sigma 0.6442
Local Sigma 0.6346
Example Sentences
Sentence Occurrences Source
respiration is process 2 Google Autocomplete
why is cellular respiration an aerobic process 1 Google Autocomplete
respiration is exothermic process 1 Google Autocomplete
cellular respiration is an aerobic process 1 Google Autocomplete
respiration is a catholic process 3 Google Autocomplete, Questions
respiration is an exothermic process 2 Google Autocomplete
cellular respiration is aerobic process 1 Google Autocomplete
cellular respiration is an exothermic process 1 Google Autocomplete
photosynthesis and cellular respiration is complementary processes 1 Google Autocomplete
cellular respiration is an efficient process 1 Google Autocomplete
respiration is a chemical process 1 Questions